As the old year gives way to the new one, Great Zim Traveller would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a promising 2016. May the year be a new beginning filled with hope, success and prosperity.

Happy New Year and successful 2016 to all our readers, followers, supporters and clients.
Now that the festive season is gone and we have reached the end of 2015, it is time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the New Year 2016. As we do so, we can reflect on the successes and challenges, achievements and failures as well as all the near-misses of the past year. Whether the year was a good or bad one, at least everyone is ready for a fresh start.
Take Stock and Reflect
As 2015 draws to an end, it is important to reflect on the year and take stock of all the challenges and accomplishments. During this time, reflection should be an opportune moment for change otherwise failure to do so would render the entire process useless and thus devoid.

The New Year is a time for new beginnings and change. Credit: Happy New Year Imagesx
As you enter the New Year, consider the following:
Be Grateful: Despite challenges, be grateful that you made it and successfully crossed over to the New Year when others didn’t. Focus on positive stuff and count your blessings, no matter how minuscule.
Embrace Challenges: As you enter the New Year, take every challenge as an opportunity for growth and development, whether personal, business or other aspects of your life.
Release & Let Go: The New Year offers a fresh start. Leave all the negative behind – be it feelings, people, attitudes, places, beliefs or anything that brings out or reinforces negativity. The ability to release and let go is a good foundation for a fresh start in life.
New Year Resolution
Do not start the new year by setting yourself up for failure through unrealistic and unattainable goals. Set up resolutions that are not only reasonable, specific and achievable but ones that are focused, more realistic, attainable and time-specific.

Set up goals that are focused, specific and attainable.
Finally, whatever your New Year’s resolutions are, do not forget to include travel as a component. Although travelling is an achievable and time specific goal, it happens to be an eye-opener to foreign worlds, exotic cultures and destinations. Furthermore, it is an adventure that offers opportunities to explore, experience and discover distant lands, including a chance to learn and understand other civilizations and their interesting ways of life. Whatever your goal, make 2016 a year to remember!
Great Zim Traveller wishes everyone a Happy New Year and a successful 2016!! Meet you on the other side!!
Ready to explore? Unleash the wanderlust in you! Explore. Experience. Discover Zimbabwe!